Snowden: “We Need A Watchdog That Watches Congress”

Regardless of watch dogs, we are all still just human. This means we are all fallible, elected or not, appointed or not, high morals or not … The problem of national security, high end government and the need for watch dogs will always have issues, and is always subject to the potential for corruption. Despite these considerations, however, I still consider this a step in the right direction. If we get too caught up in our long term goals to miss the key steps along the way, we will never move forward. After all, “the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”!

Muslim, queer, feminist: it’s as complicated as it sounds.

Got Inspiration? šŸ˜‰

days like crazy paving

blog post cover photo me: muslim no matter how I dress.

There are three aspects of my identity that really canā€™t be untangled from each other:

I am a queer woman.

I am a feminist.

And I believe that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is Allahā€™s messenger.

Yeah, itā€™s the third one that usually gets the record-scratch reaction.

I was raised Muslim, but in my teens, I became severely disillusioned with the faith. Having finished reading the Qurā€™an in English for the first time, I started to fully appreciate just how easy it was for people to twist and re-interpret the book to serve their own needs. I realised my father had been doing that to me for years, with his rules that he swore came ā€œfrom Godā€ and his restrictions on my behaviour that were all part of me being a good Muslim girl. Cover yourself so men donā€™tā€¦

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africa, where the colors don’t fade

Keep awareness of global issues, and travel! Make a difference and use your gifts to do so!

In a Search of Balance

You know how they say you leave your heart in Africa? How this wildly contrasting place gets to you and you keep revisiting your steps, toying with the idea of going back? How you find yourself looking around your home afterwards and wondering how people take so many things for granted, forgetting to enjoy the little things that make their day? Well, they were right.

Itā€™s very hard to put in words what this place does to you (and Iā€™m not the best of writers anyway), but you canā€™t just ease back effortlessly into your old life and habits. It changes you a bit, as cliche as it may sound, especially if you give into the experience and life instead of gliding on the surface. Itā€™s enough to see the genuine smiles on the little kidsā€™ faces who are eager to talk to you or the richness of colors andā€¦

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